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Showing posts from October, 2012

Meal Eighteen: Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger

Just the 4 of us... Christopher Robin and Rabbit had a big evening in the city... dinner in Boston until 12 midnight!  Party animals. We enjoyed some amped up diner food:   Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger .   Tigger was not at all satisfied with the size of the hamburger package on his counter, but his faith was rewarded with a tasty final product!  Some fine Land o Lakes Sharp Cheddar substituted for American cheese.  We just can't go there.

Meal Seventeen: Pork Marsala Saute

A hearty fall dish  Pork Marsala Saute   to end September.   Very tasty and even enhanced with panko crust - is there anything that doesn't taste better with panko? Tigger might have found it a bit sweet and Christopher Robin had to pass off the mushrooms to Rabbit, but no one left hungry! Piglet downsized from two bikes to one, but it sounds like a pretty cool trade... makes us count the days until summer again!