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Showing posts from April, 2012

Meal Eleven: Grilled Patty Melts

We will be on a bit of a hiatus in May... travels and visitors disrupt routines in all the fun ways.  Seemed best to go with a previous crowd pleaser, Patty Melts and Jo Jo Potatoes .  Eeyore knew what she was in for and brought an extra griddle to be prepared!  They came out delish with plenty of leftovers. Meat Flower! steamy taters Jo Jo potatoes were extra spicy, but we had plenty of options for dunking.  Once Christopher Robin checked the ketchup supply, he made an emergency trip to the store for an extra bottle! We also enjoyed a new Greek yogurt dip , with mini triscuits... so cute!

Meal Ten: Baked Chicken Imperial

We were a smaller crew this week, as Christopher Robin and Rabbit were vacationing in the sunny south.  Baked Chicken Imperial was a good fit... specific cooking technique to ensure crunchy crumbs make it best for four.  We also had Crisp Roasted Fingerling Potatoes and skillet green beans - with added bacon crunch! Eeyore recreated the photo just right!

Meal Nine: Panko Crusted Haddock

Re-Re-Remix... Panko Haddock makes another appearance as DownLoad, Chanel and Bro joined us for Pity Dinner and provided a sweet treat! It was a lovely spring evening.