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Showing posts from June, 2011

Meal Ten: Skillet Macaroni with Zesty Meat Sauce

This was good easy fare for a rainy Summer evening.   Skillet Macaroni with Zesty Meat Sauce gave us the chance to use our basil (which recovered from some type of animal attack earlier this season) and new pan.  It was a generous portion with enough leftovers for everyone. We didn't want to be too simple for our skilled chef, so we added a bakery component.  Garlic Cheese Biscuits from Paula Deen were perfect!  These yummy little treats did NOT have any leftovers. Even our birthday boy Squirt noticed right when he walked in... "those look like the Bisquick biscuits my mom used to make", to which we responded "they are!"

Meal Nine: Chicken with Herbs

ADDED photo ... which reminds me of the special edition Cream Cheese Biscuits we also enjoyed - thanks Dory! Late to post... vacation, work, excuses, excuses!  Even waiting on the photo... bad planning on me. The original recipe was French Country Chicken with Herbs and Honey . First, we knew the honey would be removed... Bubbles does not like sweet flavors with his proteins! Then, as Dory read the recipe and asked for the Herbs de Provence, I told her to improvise from the spice drawer.   Needless to say, she had to create something new, since I lacked the components.  It was like a quickfire challenge.    Her resulting combo was delicious... more like cajun country chicken. The best part was my dear friend Annu looking out for me as usual.. she mailed me an care package with my very own portion of HDP.  I will have to pick a recipe soon to put them to use.  Thank you thank you!