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Showing posts from October, 2010

Meal Sixteen: Chicken Schnitzel & Buttered Spaetzle

Good fall fare... it was not a simple meal, but it was tasty! The side dish of Buttered Spaetzle was actually selected first, then the main of Chicken Schnitzel was a logical pairing.  This had to be a night Dory could be here early to get things underway.  She even had to make the batter during the afternoon so it could rest. The noodle production process was alot of work... luckily, Squirts had the day off, so we had earlier than usual access to his expertise and  strength to stir and drop batter over a steaming pot.  The original recipe called for a disposable tin pan, but I can't imagine that could have withstood the density of this batter.  The final result was sauteed in some butter and was just great. The schnitzel had our traditional favorite, panko crust, with a tangy sauce.  Green beans rounded out the meal. We also enjoyed some of Dory's apple pie - perfect as usual.  She used key lime juice rather than lemon juice, fun tasty twist.